is the next level in Giving
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With a GBiz Banner.
Earn Up to $50 for Each Non-Profit You Refer!

Enroll and Help a Nonprofit
Support a great cause and earn money effortlessly! Simply add our banner to your Social Media Page.
Join Now! Click
Display a GBiz Banner, and direct non-profit organizations to GBiz's website. GBiz offers Sponsorship Dollars to non-profits in need.
When a non-profit clicks on the banner, you have the opportunity to get paid and make a meaningful impact! Share on ANY Social Media Platform, Website, or Blog.
Our referral program offers up to $50 for each qualified lead generated from your referrals.
Start making a difference and earning today!
At GBiz, we believe giving is Good BIZness. We partner with charitable-minded people who seek to support Non-Profits via Sponsor Dollar Donations to help raise awareness for good causes.
Our Sponsors provides up to 50% of the cost for a wide variety of promotional needs.
$0.20 per Sponsorship Assistance Form:
Earn $0.20 for every successful completion of the Sponsorship Assistance Form referred through your unique Referral link. -
$0.50 per Upload Invoice/Quote Form:
Earn $0.50 for each successfully submitted Invoice/Quote Form uploaded requesting Sponsorship, facilitated by your Referral link.
After Sponsorship Approval:
Earn $25 when we provide Sponsorship to a non-profit that you referred.
Unlock $50 for each new successful Sponsorship when you bring in your 5th referral that receives Sponsorship, and per each new referral that is sponsored thereafter.
We equip you for success with:
High conversion rates
Monthly newsletters for updates on effective promotion strategies.
Appealing banners and text links.
Professional referral manager support
Step-by-step guidance on earning money from helping a non-profit organization.
Our referral program offers a custom dashboard for 24/7 monitoring of your referral activity and submitted forms.
Click the link below to join. You can use your Instagram or any other social media URL if you do not have a website while filling out the application.
(If you lack a Social Media presence, we can create one for you).
Make money helping others!
Join Now! Click
Questions? Contact us at
Talk to a live person for assistance, Call: 469-547-5262
We look forward to assisting your non-profit referral.

Notify us quicker for Sponsorship questions you may have .
Simply provide your name, email, and question or comment.
For more answers on our services click on: We Can Sponsor